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Written novels in tamil and english. Here are a few extracts from my novels. Three of them on the anvil.

Waiting to contact publishers. If interested contact me on my email.

Novel Title:

From Within four Walls

An intellectually developed educated woman trying to fit in the domain of subliterate group of women in a remote north indian

small town and getting entangled deeply and trying to keep her intellect alive.


````````````Why do people write? Is it because one wants to say something and make it known to everybody? Or is it that they think they have something more important to say than others do? Psychologists analyse in different ways. It is lot better to ignore what psychologists say. Most of their analysis is jarring. Most of the times they seem to have twisted mind themselves. I have always wanted to write. Eversince I heard stories being related from the Tamil magazines by my sisters, the writing bug entered my system. ...........................


The old man paused, with his eyes partly closed. In a lyrical style he started lamenting about the country's state of affairs, the state of its women, who still do not come forward to grab the freedom offered to them. "Academic qualification alone is not going to bring about the revolution we are aiming at. Open your eyes and look around yourself. Realize that you are not free. Realize that you are tightly cosseted. There are invisible shackles that hamper your movements. Gather yourself together, build your inner strength, and break open those shackles. Take a deep breath and feel the freedom, the real freedom. Break all those ancient fetters; tear off the veils of superstition. Do not wait for acceptance. Accept yourself without guilt. Do not look up for permission. Do not seek guidance. Act. Act on your own. Act on your free will. Do not wait for approval. Act and own responsibilities for your actions. That is freedom."
He paused for sometime. Now he opened his eyes. All this time he had been talking aloud as if like a 'Shakespearean Soliloquy'. Now he looked at her widely into her face. Swati squirmed.
"Now Beti! I know Sripati very well. Outwardly he may look different from his father. But he is no different from his father. As coward and as self centered. In this vast household his individual character gets shadowed. He can always blame others for his inadequacies. Alone in a far away place you will become the sole scape-goat."
"How do you say that?" swati